RE: Admin questions - I don't see my own emails
From: David Balažic <>
Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2014 14:36:30 +0100
> Could it be that the list is sending emails as if they are from me, so my company’s mail server’s anti-spoofing is rejecting them ?
I had the same issue a while ago and then it disappeared. Either our mail admin changed our mail servers behavior or the mail list did a small change in their sent message headers.
PS: I also get the »unable to deliver emails« message every now and then. I believe that is unrelated, as they were about messages not sent by me but others.
David Balažic
From: Kerry, Richard []
Is there an email account for asking questions about tigris’ mailing list system ? I seem to be having a bit of a problem.
I had noticed that emails I had sent I was not getting sent back to me as if from the list. I was about to start looking for a setting “send me my own postings” but I’ve just had a message from It says the list is unable to deliver emails to me. So it looks like there is something not necessarily in my control that is causing this.
Does anyone know any more about this ?
Could it be that the list is sending emails as if they are from me, so my company’s mail server’s anti-spoofing is rejecting them ?
Richard Kerry
T: +44 (0)20 3618 2669
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