Update doesn't update but says it does
From: Chris Dempsey <crazychrisnz_at_gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2014 22:45:35 -0700 (PDT)
I am using Tortoise SVN via HTTP and have been committing and updating quickly and easily, but recently added a new server and did a checkout and have been running regular updates. I noticed however that the changes were not taking place on the new server, and repeated updates said they were successful, but the file never updated. I have re-checked out the code, and can edit the files manually, and overwrite with ftp, but I'd like to be able to update the whole site via SVN, yet it's just not doing it.
The commits are happening as the initial site is getting the code changes, but the new one just refuses to change. It claims to be at version 1417, but it's not!
I have done cleanups and checkouts aplenty, but still no luck. Can anyone point me in a new direction?
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