On 11.06.2014 20:37, Bob Archer wrote:
> I am trying to do a check out and receiving the following error:
> ---------------------------
> SendRpt: Error
> ---------------------------
> SOAP 1.2 fault: SOAP-ENV:Receiver[no subcode]
> "System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to
> process request. ---> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find
> file 'D:\CrashServerData\Temp\7aedbc60-f1d1-4fd4-acf5-fef52584e09e.zip'.
> at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
> at System.IO.File.Move(String sourceFileName, String destFileName)
> at CrashServer.Uploader.UploadMiniDump(ClientLib client, Application
> app, DumpAdditionalInfo addInfo, Byte[] dump, Byte[] context)
> at DumpUploadService.Uploader.UploadMiniDump(ClientLib client,
> Application app, String mainModule, Int32 PCID, Int32 submitterID,
> Byte[] dump)
> --- End of inner exception stack trace ---"
> Detail: [no detail]
> ---------------------------
> OK
> Not sure if that is actually the TSVN error, or an error trying to send
> the crash data?
the crashserver website is overloaded it seems. Sometimes crash data
uploads fail.
> I did attempt the co from the command line, and also get an error. But,
> it doesn’t give me any information other than
> [Window Title]
> svn
> [Main Instruction]
> svn has stopped working
> [Content]
> Windows is checking for a solution to the problem...
> [Cancel]
> Any idea how to trouble shoot this?
It's most likely this problem here:
oo // \\ "De Chelonian Mobile"
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Received on 2014-06-11 20:52:50 CEST