On 10 June 2014 12:17, Stefan Küng <tortoisesvn_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> On 10.06.2014 09:56, webpost_at_tigris.org wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I gave a try to the version at http://nightlybuilds.tortoisesvn.net/1.8.x/win32/full/TortoiseSVN-
>> but it doesn't seem to work. Do you confirm it is supposed to?
>> I analyzed the code changes, but I didn't find any reason why the Cancel button remains not visible on my side (Spy++ confirmed that the Cancel button was well present but not having the WS_VISIBLE attribute, despite I started TortoiseProc.exe /command:repobrowser with the /outfile argument).
> That change is not a bugfix but a new feature, so it won't get merged
> back to the stable branch.
> You have to use a nightly build from trunk to see the feature implemented.
>> I know it has probably nothing to do with the non-functioning I observe, but I have a question/remark about the code:
>> I wondered what the code at http://code.google.com/p/tortoisesvn/source/browse/trunk/src/TortoiseProc/RepositoryBrowser.cpp?spec=svn25510&r=25510#725 (lines 725 & 726) is for? I don't manage to see an execution path leading to the Cancel button being still visible at this step in stand-alone mode. Am I wrong?
>> If the code is actually needed, it seems that there is a small typo error on the argument provided to the ShowWindow() function (probably without consequence on the behavior, because it turns that FALSE == SW_HIDE).
> It's needed, and it's correct: standalone mode does not show the cancel
> button.
I think the OP is referring to the fact that you pass FALSE rather
than SW_HIDE as the argument to ShowWindow().
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Received on 2014-06-10 14:04:46 CEST