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Implement GUI equivalent of detach.py

From: Mark Clements <tigris_at_kennel17.co.uk>
Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 13:44:58 -0700 (PDT)

Hi there,

Subversion 1.8 ships with a command-line Python script, called detach.py, which allows you to take any arbitrary sub-folder within a working copy, and create a new working-copy rooted at that sub-folder.

In other words, it copies the folder to a location you specify, and adds a .svn folder containing the appropriate meta-data to the root of this folder.

As far as I am aware, it does not need to connect to the repository to do this.

One of the main reasons I'm still using TortoiseSVN 1.6 is because I use this kind of workflow a lot. In 1.6 you can just copy a folder, and it is a valid working copy, but from 1.7 upwards this is not possible as the meta-data is all located in the WC root.

I was excited to see this script in SVN 1.8, but I couldn't see anything to indicate that it was possible in Tortoise (I don't plan on installing Python any time soon).

Could this be implemented inside the GUI? Basically, wherever the 'export' dialog is available, there should be an equivalent 'export as new working copy' option (or, possibly, it could handled as an option inside the 'export' dialog).

Apologies if this is already possible in TortoiseSVN, but I couldn't find any mention of it.

- HappyDog


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