RE: Error diffing word document
From: Geoff Field <>
Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 09:39:26 +1000
Hi Ben,
> From: Ben Fritz
I'm not a Word expert, but the .docx extension is explicitly without macros. If you want Word documents *with* macros, you have to save it as a .docm file.
> Even though I only converted the previous revision copy, the
It sounds like it might be a macro issue. If you don't need the macros, you'll probably be better off not having them at all. On the other hand, if you DO need the macros, you might be better off using Word's document comparison features (the "Compare" button on the "Review" ribbon), or just enabling "Track Changes" when editing documents.
> I think I remember reading that the conversion to docx can
"Quick Save" is a great way to make the document expand beyond all reason. I'm pretty sure that when you do a "Save As" in Word, it just saves the current state without the overhead. I could, of course, be wrong - it's been known to happen.
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