On 29 January 2014 19:09, Havlovick, Ron <rhavlovick_at_curtisswright.com> wrote:
> Ideas for one and all.
> I am trying to make a date stamp, so as to when any file is committed into
> the repository an extra file is created that indicates when that file
> or when the last or any file was last committed.
> Hence, I have 20 files, and I commit one of them in.
> A file is created, or one modified, a text file, which indicates the last
> known commitment was 1/28/14 6:30 PM and 14 seconds. Or something like that.
> There may be a file like that already but then I just need to read it.
> The reason being I want to check all files out to a golden directory and
> have the latest checked in file as my date stamp.
> That date stamp can then be my revision code imbedded into the code.
> Hence, last known repository date stamp and what is read at a location in
> the code, date stamp, is the same.
> If anyone checks in another file, the repository date stamp changes and the
> compiled code no longer match.
> Tells the guy debugging the code that something has changed.
> Date stamp in code does not agree with date stamp in repository.
I normally use SubWCRev (part of TSVN distribution) for this. It
transforms a template file like version.in.h into a working file like
version.h which contains the timestamp of the last committed revision
in the directory tree for which it was called. This is what is used to
generate the revision numbers in the about info in TSVN itself.
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Received on 2014-01-30 10:59:34 CET