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RE: Bug related to hide/expose events in Repo Browser?

From: David Butcher <dbutcher_at_atre.net>
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 13:10:25 -0800


Yes, I have Aero turned off.

The color scheme I've tested with is "Windows Standard."

Under Effects, I have:
Use ClearType
Do Not Show Shadows Under Menus
Do Not Show Windows Content While Dragging

I'll try to fit in an install of the nightly build this evening.

Thanks for taking the time to follow up on this!



David Butcher, Client Services Director
land line +1 831 464 0104 | text or mobile +1 831 239 9735
email dbutcher_at_atre.net | fax +1 831 740 3814

-----Original Message-----
From: Stefan Küng [mailto:tortoisesvn_at_gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2013 12:39 PM
To: users_at_tortoisesvn.tigris.org
Subject: Re: Bug related to hide/expose events in Repo Browser?

On 11.11.2013 20:35, David Butcher wrote:
> Hi,
> A few more bits of information:
> 1. The Trillian UI allows setting "transparency" in the chat window.
> The trails only happen when transparency is set to "Visible" - the
> other settings are 90%, 80% etc. In brief tests, none of those
> settings leave trails.
> 2. I can't reproduce the problems (so far) with any other application
> window moving over the Repo Browser.
> 3. It's very hard to tell with the mouse moving the window, but it
> appears that the trails happen more frequently when "X" motion
> (horizontal) is taking place, rather than "Y" (vertical) motion. That
> is, moving the window vertically over the repo-browser window leaves
> fewer trails than moving it horizontally
> I can't downgrade to 1.8.0 until this weekend due to work deadlines (
> I use Tortoise constantly).
> Thanks,
> David
> __________________________________
> David Butcher, Client Services Director www.atre.net land line +1 831
> 464 0104 | text or mobile +1 831 239 9735 email dbutcher_at_atre.net |
> fax +1 831 740 3814 __________________________________
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Geisinger [mailto:Sidewinder_GER_at_hotmail.com]
> Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2013 12:58 PM
> To: users_at_tortoisesvn.tigris.org
> Subject: Re: Bug related to hide/expose events in Repo Browser?
> Hi,
> Am 08.11.2013 03:03, schrieb David Butcher:
>> Hi, I am seeing strange behavior in the latest Windows 32 bit build.
>> I think it’s new or only in the most recent few Tortoise builds.
> I'd thought I'd add some more details on this issue, because I'm
> experiencing it as well and I can definitely get rid of the "strange
> behavior" when I downgrade from 1.8.1 to 1.8.0. Find below some more
> facts.
> For me, this issue has the following characteristics:
> - It happens for various list view controls in TSVN, not only in the
> repo browser. For example, the list view control in the "Show Log"
> window is affected, but none of the list view controls in the
> "Settings" dialog, for example.
> - It happens in conjunction with every Windows application window which
> I resize or move on top of a list view control in TSVN, not only for
> Trillian (I haven't verified it with Trillian, though).
> - It does *not* happen in other programs that use list view controls
> (e.g., Explorer, applications built for Win9x or NT-based
> applications).
> - I have Windows 7 64 bit, so it does not seem to be limited to Vista
> or 32 bit. I have also an nVIDIA card, but I'm not sure whether that
> one or my Intel card is used, because my card has Optimus technology.
> Since I can reproduce this with TSVN 1.8.1 and newer, but not with
> TSVN 1.8.0, it might be interesting to investigate the following two
> points:
> 1. David, can you confirm that this issue is not limited to the repo
> browser window, but also appears in the top pane of the "Show Log"
> dialog? Furthermore, can you confirm that this problem is fixed when
> downgrading to 1.8.0? Notice that after the downgrade, you probably
> need to run one more "repair install" of 1.8.0 to get TSVN back working.
> 2. Which changes were done with respect to the list view controls in
> TSVN 1.8.1, if any? Suspicious commits include r23876 and r24450.
> Stefan, could it be that the fix for the issue discussed in
> <http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/ds/viewMessage.do?dsForumId=4061&dsMess
> ageId=3011957> leads to the painting to be skipped in the respective
> cases?
> I currently did not try to build TSVN myself to check whether the
> mentioned revisions cause the problem, but I could do it if necessary.
> Alternatively, I could try a nightly if you are willing to give it a try.
> Reproducible for me in:
> TortoiseSVN 1.8.1, Build 24570 - 64 Bit , 2013/07/22 18:28:29
> Subversion 1.8.1, -release apr 1.4.8 apr-util 1.5.2 serf 1.3.0 OpenSSL
> 1.0.1e 11 Feb
> 2013 zlib 1.2.8
> Windows 7 Professional SP1, 64 bit
> Intel HD Graphics 3000 + nVIDIA NVS 4200M

I'm on Win8.1, and I can not reproduce the issue at all. I even installed
Trillian to see whether I can reproduce it with the chat window there - no

Do you have Aero turned off? That might be a clue because that can't be
turned off anymore in Win8.

I'll commit a small change soon which forces the background of those
controls to redraw as well, not just the foreground.
Maybe you can try a nightly build tomorrow (revision > 24943)?


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Received on 2013-11-11 22:10:52 CET

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