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Branch/tag svn_external limit?

From: Kevin Jennings <kkjennings_at_sbcglobal.net>
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2013 08:37:45 -0800 (PST)

I have a project that uses several externals that I'm trying to use the 'Branch/Tag' option to create a tag that will contain all the source files at the time of release. I select 'Specific revision in repository' for the source of the copy and 'Set explicit revision for these externals' is set to 'All'.

The project has several externals and has them at several levels of the hierarchy (i.e. Ext1 references Ext2 which references Ext3, etc.). What I'm seeing is that not all of the externals get listed in the 'Branch/Tag' dialog box. If I perform the branch then the externals that were missing from the dialog box get left alone and do not get pegged. It appears that the top level externals (i.e. Ext1) and the next level down (i.e. Ext2) get listed and will get pegged, but further down (i.e. Ext3) it does not.

Is there some limit to how deep Tortoise goes in the search for externals?

If not, is there something else that can be suggested to try to resolve this issue?

I'm using Tortoise SVN 1.7.11 Build 23600 and Subversion 1.7.8.



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