Am 16.01.2013 09:57, schrieb Andreas Kirsch:
> The server runs in backward to 1.6.x compatible mode (we need the
> directory .svn in every folder to be able to provide all project's
> trunc on a specific network drive). Could this be the source of the
> issue?
SVN's goal is that every 1.x client can communicate with every 1.x
server. This means that you can use 1.6 clients to have .svn dirs in
every subdir while upgrading the server to 1.7.
When you mention network drives, there's an alarm ringing though:
Working copies are supposed to be stored and accessed locally only. The
reason is the different qualities of file-locking required to safely
update the .svn metadata. Another reason is that this reduces the chance
that different clients access the same working copy, which causes
conflicts when mixing e.g. 1.6 and 1.7. That said, the repositories also
shouldn't be stored on network drives, but you're not doing that anyway
but using a proper HTTPD setup with authentication.
In the past, I have managed to avoid these issues by simply not sharing
working copies via network, so I don't really know if that explains your
problem. I also seem to remember reading that the changes in the
metadata format (plain text files to sqlite DB) make such a setup even
more brittle. However, I don't have any first-hand experience here,
maybe someone else will step up.
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