So should I file the bug for this? I'm not sure about how does it work
here, but I think it's a bug as updating a bundle doesn't work (it only
works when updating each and every file one-by-one).
Maciej Jaros (2012-08-28 11:35):
> Stefan Küng (2012-08-27 19:58):
>> On 27.08.2012 12:44, Maciej Jaros wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> I'm using externals rather intensively in one of my projects. I thought
>>> it would be nice to have a single trunk and serveral bundles that are
>>> constructed using externals. And so for different flavors (editions) of
>>> the project I import different files and folders from different parts of
>>> the tree (different main configuration file and favicon for development
>>> and release, different folder with default filesetc).
>>> It all works fine except for the files that are in the root folder of my
>>> bundles.
>>> When I update "external" files I get several messages like:
>>> External D:\checkout-root\index.php
>>> External failed D:\checkout-root\index.php
>>> Failure opening '/main/trunk/index.php/index.php'
>>> My local path is: index.php
>>> The URL is: ^/main/trunk/index.php
>>> The update does fail, but commit and checkout works fine. Update also
>>> doesn't work if I remove all root files -the files are restored, BUT to
>>> previous version (to first checkout version to be more exact).
>>> It's a 2 GB project. Re-checkout is not the most pleasant thing to do ;-).
>> ...
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