This goes back to the comment about clearly marking advertisements. As much as I
like and enjoy TortoiseSVN the statements stating that Carolyn Hogan's actions
are her responsibility seem to be self-serving. Her actions were made on the
assumption that since the button was there and not otherwise marked, that it was
the intent of TortoiseSVN to have users click the button.
From: Andy Levy <>
Sent: Fri, April 13, 2012 3:33:16 AM
Subject: Re: Babylon toolbar
On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 17:33, Carolyn Hogan <> wrote:
> I needed to update TortoiseSVN so I downloaded the latest version. However, by
>mistake, I first downloaded the Zoom Downloader because the Download button was
>so prominent. I then started to install it but cancelled when I realized that I
>was installing the wrong thing. I then installed TortoiseSVN.
> After downloading and reopening Firefox, I found that the Babylon toolbar had
>been installed. It had either attached itself to the Zoom Downloader download or
>the TortoiseSVN download. Either way, I thought you should know that I picked it
>up on your site.
There is no "Zoom downloader" required for TortoiseSVN, and the TSVN
installers are clean. You didn't read carefully and clicked an
advertisement that's positioned above the download buttons, and the ad
content cannot be controlled by the operators of the site. You did not
"pick it up" on the site, you intentionally clicked on a link,
downloaded a program and installed it.
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