On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 03:15, Ulrich Eckhardt
<ulrich.eckhardt_at_dominolaser.com> wrote:
> Am 10.01.2012 19:34, schrieb guruoracle:
>> My system admin just called me and said he was paged 3 times last
>> night due to over 150 Subversion processes running on the server.
> In addition to the other answers, what exactly is a "Subversion
> process"? I've seen svnserve processes hung, summing up over time, which
> is ugly but harmless. There's also the chance of Apache producing
> unexpected states, though I'm not using it to serve Subversion so I'm
> not sure of the effects.
> Lastly, you could be running svn client processes on the server for some
> unknown reason. IIRC, running SVN over SSH would also start svnserve
> processes, so this is no sign of a remote access. What you need to find
> out is who started these processes and then why. I could e.g. imagine
> some hook scripts going haywire.
Wasn't there a bug in some release of svn which left zombie svn
processes behind when using svn+ssh in some situations?
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Received on 2012-01-11 12:26:25 CET