RE: Issue with SSL client certificates on Windows 7 64bit
From: Edmund Craske <>
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2011 14:18:55 -0000
Hi Stefan,
> * what version of TSVN are you using?
I'm currently using TortoiseSVN 1.7.3, Build 22386 - 64 Bit , 2011/12/16 15:01:39 but I was seeing the issue with 1.7.2 also.
> * why is adding the cert to the windows cert store a problem? You said
There is no way to password protect a certificate in the Windows cert store, and my department recommend not storing developer certificates there.
> * SVN on Windows uses the windows cert store (Cygwin does not)
I couldn't find anything in the documentation that actually states this - also it doesn't seem to exclusively use the Windows cert store - if I haven't also provided a copy of the cert and private key in a file and linked it in the servers configuration file, it doesn't seem to work - it seems to need both for some reason?
> * using the cygwin svn client on Windows is _not_ recommended - just
I searched the mailing list and only found reference to it being a bad idea to share working copies between Cygwin and TortoiseSVN - I have no intention of doing that! I was merely checking that my environment and certificate do work correctly using a different svn client, which they do - so the problem lies within TortoiseSVN.
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