On 07.12.2011 15:44, Neil Bird wrote:
> Do to our organisation of a shared code base, we have a number of repos.
> with ~20 externals in their trunk. Since updating to 1.7.x we've been
> having hangs and crashes in the repo browser when accessing these repos
> (Windows XP client, Solaris server, repeated with Linux server).
> Going back to 1.6 seems to solve any issues, and I think its because TSVN
> 1.7 is now probing externals in the repo browser.
> What we see is the initial tree come up after a few seconds, and then the
> repo browser freezes (we get a Not Responding in the title bar) for over
> half a minute. Often, the repobrowser crashes, or comes up with a dialogue
> about having problems connecting to the server (and offering to work
> offline; although it says there's been a problem, there's never a mention
> of that that is).
> We use https, so the wireshark logs aren't particularly useful (I just
> see a stream of SSL traffic).
> Oddly (or not!), I did a test by porting one of the repos to a test Linux
> server (1.7.1, the normal one is a Solaris server running 1.6.12 IIRC).
> This [mis]behaves much the same way.
> However, on the test box, I can use unencrypted http. When I view the
> wireshark dump of an http access to *this* server, I see a burst of
> activity, up to the freeze, and then *nothing*, for about forty seconds.
> All active requests have cleanly closed at the point it freeze (all FINs
> ACKed, etc.).
> Then, there are more requests from the client (after the 40 s.), with the
> initial ones apparently failing to log in (see auth. reqs. come back from
> the server). Then it all settles down with some successful connections, and
> finally all seems to be working (at least, in those runs that don't crash!).
> Any suggestions? Debug output I can enable? I have VS2005; I could
> potentially build the repobrowser from source to help diagnose things if
> it's not too tricky to build (I got the source once, for reasons I forget,
> but never needed to try to build it).
Could be issue #149:
or issue #126:
Could you please try 1.7.2 or a nightly build (in case of issue #149)
and check if that fixes your problems?
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Received on 2011-12-07 18:26:34 CET