I usually let TSVN create a new repository on a Linux samba share, which will be accessed later by svn:// protocol.
The hooks-subdir, unfortunately, contains *.tmpl files which have DOS line endings (\r\n). This gives error code 255, as soon as such a script is renamed (removed .tmpl) and made executable (chmod).
Although it may seem normal that the Windows shell extensions creates DOS files, it should be emphasized that the *.tmpl files are /bin/sh scripts to be executed on Linux. So they need to have Linux line endings.
I want to suggest two things:
1) New version of TSVN created hook script templates with Linux line endings.
2) If an error message of 255 is received, TSVN could write a hint about checking line endings. This would be a real time saver :-)
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Received on 2011-11-16 10:31:03 CET