[TSVN1.7] Fails to create a tag from folder with externals.
From: Jensen Somers <jensen.somers_at_gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2011 01:36:07 -0800 (PST)
I recently upgraded my client to version TSVN1.7.1, my server still uses SVN1.6. In the process of upgrading my client I also used relative paths for my externals. My repository is as follows:
So the view (branches/3.x in this case) contains externals as follows:
I tried to create a new tag: 3.1.0. If I understood correctly the new TSVN version should allow me to just create a tag from the main view. I tried that, selected all externals to point to their specific version but I'm getting an error:
File not found, revision 1234 path
The specific branch folder is present, so that does not seem to be the real issue.
Is there something I need to take into account? The branch was created the old fashion way, branching each external on the trunk into a specific folder and then just creating a view for that folder.
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