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RE: resolve conflict dialog is confusing

From: Wayne Johnson <wayne_at_zk.com>
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2011 23:35:01 -0700

Thank-you for including something constructive instead of just saying
"it sucks because it confuses me fix it."

> To make the discussion a bit more constructive, I'd imagine a dialog
> layout like this, that would help me quite a bit:
> http://i56.tinypic.com/e7nj9s.png

I don't think that paths add any helpful information. I don't understand
how local can mean anything other than the working copy that you are
merging into. How can the repository be any path other than the one that
contains the path you just entered into the dialog box to start the
How can you possibly merge 2 things together unless you understand what
they are? You can probably get away with checking things in or out
without having really knowing what you are doing. However, if you are
merging stuff you had better understand what you are doing and it's
obvious from at least spongman's comments that there are some real
misunderstandings of the what how subversion works, fundamental

To use subversion effectively you really *must* know what is repository
is and what a working copy is and how they are different. You also need
to understand that subversion commands (for the most part) do not update
the repository until you actually commit the changes. I would hazard a
guess that at least 75% of the help requests that come across the list
are because the user does not understand these fundamentals.

> Additionally, the paths right of the buttons could be a link to the
> log of that file, since it may help to understand the reason for the
> conflict or changes to the file (or even who made changes). What do
> you think?
A list of the relevant log messages might be helpful. It would save the
step of opening openning a log list. This would have to be weighed
against the increased net traffic required to fetch the log. I don't
know enough to answer that question.


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Received on 2011-10-18 08:35:49 CEST

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