Thanks for clarifying that the cheap copying only happens on the repository.
That's the bit I was missing.
There is no cheap copying on the client side? But I still don't want /trunk
AND /branch on my local copy.
> You already checked out the branches folder, so you implicitly said that
> you
> want to have a working copy for every branch.
I did not check out the branches folder though. I created it on the server,
and I did an update on the client, not a checkout.
How do I get only one working copy, and switch between trunk and branch?
> I'm afraid you are hurting yourself with this. The three folders
> trunk/tags/branches are organizational so you can create branches and tags
> off
> your development. If your artwork never ever changes, then there is no use
> for
> storing it in subversion anyway. However, if there is a remote chance of
> it
> changing the slightest bit, you also want the same trunk/tags/branches
> structure.
No, not really. The artists and musicians use the top level /art and /audio
folders, and they contain
everything required for both versions of the project. I take what I need
for the full version, pull it out
of the original psd files and save in the format required by the program,
and save it into subfolders
of /trunk. So the original versions have change control through SVN, and
the final versions have that
as well as being kept with the code, and able to be branched.
Thanks for the feedback.
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Received on 2011-09-16 23:03:31 CEST