On 09.08.2011 12:24, Ulrich Eckhardt wrote:
> Hi!
> We have recently moved our SVN repos from foo.example.com to bar.example.net.
> I have several dozen working copies here, so I'm relocating a lot. I noticed
> two things:
> 1. The history is useless, since it always includes both the repository and
> the path inside the repository. This doesn't make sense to me, since the only
> thing I can change with a "switch --relocate" should be the repository URL but
> not the path inside the repository.
> 2. I get a button "..." there. The button opens a repository browser which
> stalls until it finds that the former server doesn't exist any more. Further,
> I believe it would offer me the path inside the repository as well which I
> believe isn't very useful, see above.
> What I would like is if the dialog offered just the repository URL and offered
> recently-used repository URLs as history. For extra bonus points you could
> offer just those as history than have the same UUID, but I don't think that
> many user have too many repositories there anyway. The button to open a
> repository browser is IMHO superfluous here and could be removed.
Using the TSVN repo as an example:
imagine someone had a working copy checked out from
now that needed to be relocated to the new place:
As you can see, both 'trunk' and 'www' are folders inside the repository.
So we have to include paths inside a repository. If you really only want
the repository urls, then I guess you're one of very very few who check
out the whole repository, not just trunk or a branch or even a subfolder.
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Received on 2011-08-12 17:18:21 CEST