On 05.08.2011 09:32, Markus Schaber wrote:
> Hi,
> I noticed two small UI glitches in TSVN 1.7 beta 2:
> 1) In the "Check for modifications" window, if you sort by a custom
> column (like "Status") by klicking on its column header, and then the
> window refreshes due to an action you made in that window (like "add to
> ignore list" on an unversioned item), it seems that the list is not
> always sorted correctly after the refresh, although the column header
> still carries that small triangle indicating it should be sorted. I'm
> not sure about the exact circumstances, but can try to come up with
> steps to repeat if needed. I'm also not sure whether the "Refresh"
> button honours sorting order.
Fixed in r21788.
> 2) When a TortoiseMerge window for a file is open, and then the file is
> changed externally (e. G. edit and save it in visual studio), and then I
> klick on the close button (The "X" on the top right corner) of the
> TortoiseMerge window, instead of closing, it asks me whether to load or
> ignore the changes. And regardless whether I klick load or ignore, it
> does not close after closing that dialog. Even more annoying, when I
> klick on the close button again, it sometimes asks me whether to save
> the changes I just decided to ignore when trying to close the window for
> the first time.
That's the expected behavior.
When you click on the close button, the first thing that happens is that
the TMerge window is brought to the front and activated. The activation
triggers the modification check which then asks you whether to reload
the file(s).
The click on the close button is not registered because of the
modification check.
if you click on ignore, i.e. you don't reload the changed file, then the
file in TMerge is different than the one on disk, so TMerge treats the
file as if you modified it. That's why it then asks you whether you want
to save it when you try to close TMerge.
oo // \\ "De Chelonian Mobile"
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Received on 2011-08-05 19:27:48 CEST