I use TortoseSVN to manage access to several repositories. I have the
latest version, 1.6.15, build 21042 (w/subversion 1.6.16).
I have a repository in which I frequently merge changes from a release
branch back to the trunk (when fixing bugs, for example, that need to be put
in the trunk). However, whenever I do this, I always get several files and
folders that want to be merged, regardless of the fact that they have been
merged dozens of times in the past. It is always the same set of
files/folders that always want to be merged. I have tried both merging the
files/folders explicitly and I have tried just marking them as merged, but
no matter what I do, the next time I do a merge, those same files/folders
will appear in the list of files/folders to merge. This appears to be a
problem with the trunk, for it happens even when I create a brand new branch
and try to merge files from the branch back to the trunk. I have no idea
how this happened originally, and I have just been living with it for
several years now, but would really like to fix it as it is quite annoying
(not to mention that other users wonder why these files/folders keep
appearing in the commit logs!). I suspect it has something to do with
mergeinfo, but I am totally unfamiliar with mergeinfo (and properties in
general) and have never really needed to deal with them anyway. How can I
clean up my repository so that these files/folders don't keep wanting to be
merged all the time?
- Dennis
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Received on 2011-04-29 00:11:48 CEST