Hi all:
I hope don't make a stupid question.
I'm using windows XPProSP3 (spanish edition) also I work on Costa Rica. So logically my regional settings are location costa rica and formats costa rica.
That help me a lot with openoffice and other work that I make on english/spanish language.
Recently I have found that after commiting KornShell scripts to my svn server; that files get revision and other data but on Spanish.
Since I have quite time working with computers must of my settings are in english (keyboard, programs UI, etc) and keep my locales to work with my coleagues.
So when I write unix scripts (I use notepad++); they are encoded on ANSI just because we don use UTF8/ISO-8859 locales on *nix boxes. Just plain C locale.
After commited my files they get strings like (Mié, 27 Abr 2011) that make to my editor to encode the script as UTF-8 script.
I will no matter but when you cat or vi/vim the file on the unix box that characters may lead to a misinterpretation that the file/script is corrupted.
After this my compliant/question is; If I ask to tortoisesvn use english at UI why don't respect that besides regional settings...?
Or how I can ask (without modify my unix boxes or having to modify my regional-settings formats every time that I use tsvn) to tsvn that don't use regional settings (just tsvn settings) for tags like date.
An example:
# Fecha Modificacion: $LastChangedDate: 2011-04-27 12:57:46 -0600 (Mié, 27 Abr 2011) $
# Modificacion por: $LastChangedBy: soopal $
# Modificacion :
Thanks a lot by tsvn and any help about this issue.
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