Templatising files
From: Richard M Willis <RichardW_at_pulsar-pm.com>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2011 01:29:26 -0700 (PDT)
My development environment has a project file which change frequently for trivial reasons. It's basically an .ini file with all the source files listed and all the compiler options etc, but it also has ephemeral stuff in it, such as "time of last compile", "size of last window opened", "10 previous search results". That sort of stuff.
This file is changing all the time and only part of it needs to be put under version control.
I am told that I need to templatise the file. I did this and now have an init.bat script to copy said template to the real file; I have a corresponding script, outit.bat, which copies (just) the important stuff back to the template file. In this way, if only ephemeral stuff has changed, (T)SVN sees this file as unchanged, which is what I want.
This init/outit scheme works fine, but having to do it manually on every checkout/update, and before every "check for modifications" is a pig.
The set of hooks provided is very minimal. I need something like a "post-checkout","post-update" script, and a "pre-check-for-modifications" script.
Please don't tell me my development environment is broken; I know it is, and am moving to GNU, but that will take time.
How do I get TSVN to simply deliver me a working project with correct templatisation/untemplatisation of files automatically ? It seems such an uphill struugle to do such a simple thing.
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