Several notes, which could help you:
- this problem is not appear if down arrow is clicked (to show drop-down
- to reproduce this problem better to use new URL, which is not similar
to previous ones.
- it seems that this is not a HistoryCombo problem, because this
problem is not observed in other dialogs, which use HistoryCombo (e.g.
checkout, repobrowser). I think that the difference between this dialogs
should be explored.
- I found that checkout dialog calls SetCurSel(0) before
SetWindowText(). After this line addition I could not reproduce this
problem any more, but if I remove SetCurSel(0) then I could reproduce
this. I think that if current position remains -1 then something goes
wrong with combobox indexes in CHistoryCombo::AddString() function
(which is called from CHistoryCombo::SaveHistory() function).
AddString() calls FindStringExact() function, which perform case
insensitive search, and if indexes are really wrong then AddString could
remove just added string.
On Mon, 2011-04-18 at 20:15 +0200, Stefan Küng wrote:
> On 18.04.2011 10:31, Aleksandr Platonov wrote:
> > I failed to make autocomplete to work at svn:externals property edit.
> > Could you provide a simple example which shows how autocomplete works
> > (what values should I set to URL)?
> > I have tried to search for SHAutoComplete() calls in sources and failed to
> > find which one is called at svn:externals property edit. It seems that
> > none of SHAutoComplete() from HistoryCombo.cpp is called in this case.
> You're right, it's not.
> I commented the two lines in the history combo, and then it suddenly
> worked. So I didn't investigate further and assumed that was it.
> > Also, if I add m_URLCombo.SetCurSel(0) between
> > m_URLCombo.SetURLHistory(true, false) and
> > m_URLCombo.SetWindowText(m_External.url) then this problem is not appear.
> Now this is very strange.
> I added the line, it didn't work. I then removed that line again, and it
> now works. I have now no modifications in my WC, but it works!
> I guess tomorrow it won't work anymore - there must be something else
> going on here. I'll try to investigate...
> Stefan
Aleksandr Platonov
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OKTET Labs (
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Received on 2011-04-19 09:55:59 CEST