I have this same problem. Did you revert to 1.6.7 to resolve it?
On Sep 30, 2:48 am, Dennis Verheijen <dennis.verhei..._at_nbg-
industrial.nl> wrote:
> Hello,
> Our problem:
> Since TortoiseSvn 1.6.8 we have an issue with reintegrating a feature
> branch, using SVN server 1.4.2.
> We expect that the "Merge two different trees" function (respecting
> ancenstry) merges the changes from the feature branch to the trunk,
> without leading to conflicts. This works fine with TortoiseSVN 1.6.7 and
> older. Note that apparently two 'empty' steps are completed after the
> actual merge step, as seen from the screenshot made with 1.6.7.
> In TortoiseSVN 1.6.8, 1.6.9 and 1.6.10, the "Merge two different trees"
> function (respecting ancenstry) also performs three steps, the first of
> which results in the local changes that we need. However, the second and
> third step now perform another merge and a reverse merge, respectively.
> These merges leave the files in the working copy in a conflicted state.
> Additional information:
> We use an old server version 1.4.2 so we don't have merge tracking.
> For this reason I cannot use the "reintegrate a brach" option, but I use
> the "Merge two different trees" option.
> When I reintegrate a feature branch this way, it works fine with
> TortoiseSvn 1.6.7
> But the merge result is incorrect with TortoiseSvn 1.6.8 or later (also
> tried it with 1.6.10)
> At first the merge works fine, with a message such as:
> - "Merging fromhttps://MyServer/MyProject/trunk, revision 9266
> tohttps://MyServer/MyProject/branch_ftr/UvCoolingOnStart, revision HEAD
> into C:\LSW\WKS\ISi\MPM_trunk\Head, respecting ancestry"
> However since TortoiseSvn 1.6.8 two addional steps are done which mess
> up the merge, causing a lot of conflicts and reverting changes that
> shouldn't be reverted:
> - "Merging r9185 through r9276 C:\LSW\WKS\ISi\MPM_trunk\Head"
> - "Reverse merging 92665 through 9185"
> Note that:
> - Revision 9185 is the creation revision of the feature branch
> - Revision 9276 is the HEAD revision of the feature branch
> See also the attached screenshots
> I tried to see if this is a known conflict, but I cannot find any
> results on that.
> I hope someone on this e-mail list can help me out here, for now I'm
> stuck to version 1.6.7 because we use feature branching a lot.
> Regards,
> Dennis Verheijen
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> MergeFails_TSVN_1.6.10.png
> 159KViewDownload
> MergeSuccesful_TSVN_1.6.7.png
> 121KViewDownload
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Received on 2010-10-05 07:55:35 CEST