Hi guys.
Thanks for all replies, but I can't checkout a folder from my
repository yet.
I created a new repository where I reproduced my situation. I have in
this dump repository the same problem.
So, if someone could install this repository and just checkout the
folder to see if it's also slow too it could help me a lot.
I can't attach the file so I put it on my domain: http://www.rafaelheise.eti.br/Dump.zip.
It's so simply. Add the repository and try to checkout trunk\Test.
There is a Folder named "1" with my situation (about 2,000 files with
$Rev$ keyword property) and another folder named "2" (about 2,000
files without $Rev$ keyword property).
If I checkout just folder "2", no problem. My problem is with folder
"1" (all 2,000 files has defined the property "svn:keywords"). Using
Win7 I can checkout it in about 2 min, but using WinXP/Vista I cancel
the operation after 30 min.
Any tip is very welcome.
Rafael M. Heise
On 6 ago, 07:57, Stefan Küng <tortoise..._at_gmail.com> wrote:
> On 06.08.2010 09:54, Matt B wrote:
> > On NTFS you can improve read performance by disabling the last access
> > timestamp tracking.
> > This could break some things (though I always use it and haven't seen it
> > break anything yet)
> This is also the default on Win7, so it really shouldn't break anything.
> Stefan
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