I've noticed the following oddities related to unversioned files and can't
find a report in your issue tracker for it.
(Is it correct that there are only 13 tasks in your issue tracker?)
I noticed them with 1.6.8 and it still repeats with 1.6.9. I have no idea
if it ever worked.
Issue #1:
- in a versioned path create a new dir and create a file in that dir
+ c:\svn\versionedpath\unversioned\
+ c:\svn\versionedpath\unversioned\foo.txt
- call commit for the versioned path
- check "Show unversioned files"
- call the popup menu for the new file (unversioned/foo.txt) and
click "Add"
expected: these items will be added
- new dir (unversioned)
- new file (unversioned/foo.txt)
(this would be similar to checking unversioned/foo.txt, which does also
check it's unversioned parents)
actual: only the file (unversioned/foo.txt) is added and that leads to
this commit error
Command: Commit
Error: Commit failed (details follow):
Error: 'c:\svn\versionedpath\unversioned' is not under version control
and is not
Error: part of the commit, yet its child
Error: 'c:\svn\versionedpath\unversioned\foo.txt' is part of the commit
Issue #2:
- in a versioned path create a new dir and create a file in that dir
+ c:\svn\versionedpath\unversioned\
+ c:\svn\versionedpath\unversioned\foo.txt
- add the new dir and the new file (do not commit it)
- call revert for the versioned path
- check the new dir and the new file
- press OK
expected: add for the new dir and file will be reverted
actual: only add for the new dir is revert and revert for the file fails
Command: Revert
Reverted: c:\svn\versionedpath\unversioned
Error: 'c:\svn\versionedpath\unversioned\foo.txt' is not a working copy
Best regards
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Received on 2010-06-25 20:21:40 CEST