On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 5:06 PM, Eduard wirch <ew_at_omikron.net> wrote:
> Thanks Stefan
> Clearing the log cache was the solution.
> This caching functionality is rather irritating. There should be an "update from server" button in the log view in my opinion.
Try the "Refresh" button, or pressing F5 to check the server again. I
don't think this will work for log message changes, only new
Or, if you'd prefer, the cache can be disabled completely through the
Settings dialog.
Daniel B.
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Stefan Küng [mailto:tortoisesvn_at_gmail.com]
> Gesendet: Montag, 14. Juni 2010 18:28
> An: users_at_tortoisesvn.tigris.org
> Betreff: [Spam] [Hit=8,30] Re: revisions missing in log view
> On 14.06.2010 13:32, Eduard wirch wrote:
>> Hi
>> I'm having problems with the log view of TortoiseSVN. Some revisions are missing. They are not being displayed. No filters set.
>> Example: I tell TortoiseSVN to show the log view for a specific path. It'll display revisions 9007 - 25443. But the revisions 25158, 23875, 23795, 22654, 22634 (and others) are missing in the view. "svn log ..." will display all those missing revisions. If I use "Show range..." and enter one of the missing revisions as "Start Revision" TortoiseSVN will show this specific revision which was missing previously (but not the other missing ones).
>> If I tell TortoiseSVN to open the revision graph all revisions will be displayed correctly.
>> I uploaded screenshots here:
>> Log view: http://yfrog.com/bclogviewj
>> Revision graph: http://yfrog.com/5hrevisiongraphj
> Clear the log cache from the settings dialog.
> Stefan
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