On 24.03.2010 20:08, James wrote:
> I don't have any idea how this happened, but in one of my many
> checkins there is one file that has an action of "replacing". There
> are about 15 files in the checkin, 10 "Added", 4 "Modified" and 1
> "Replacing". I don't think I did anything different with that file
> than I did with the other 4. But somehow it got a "replacing".
> I am now trying to merge this branch ("Source Branch") with a second
> branch ("Target Branch") and that file has also been changed in the
> target branch (though it was "Modified" and not "Replacing").
> Either way, when I try to merge the branches, I get a tree conflict on
> this file.
> I tried:
> - Deleting the file from source branch, committing the delete, and
> then merging
> - Deleting the file from target branch, committing the delete, and
> then merging
> - Deleting the file from both, committing the deletes, and then
> merging
> - Reverting the changes in the target branch and then merging (when I
> do the revert, it shows that it is checking out the file onto my
> system)
> - Reverting the changes in the source branch and then merging (this
> one is interesting, b/c the revert doesn't change the file at all - it
> doesn't show any activity in the tortoiseSVN window that pops up - it
> should show the checkout of the pre-replaced file)
> None of these things help at all - I still get the tree conflict.
The tree conflict will show you additional information (why it's a
conflict) if you 'edit conflicts' on it.
Maybe that will give you the information you need.
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Received on 2010-03-25 21:56:46 CET