In the past time, I branch from trunk when I achieve milestone.
Root /trunk
If it has bugs need to fix,I branch from 1.1.1 become
Root /trunk
If it has bugs need to fix,I branch from 1.1.2 become
Root /trunk
When 1.1.3 fixing,1.1.1 has bugs to fixed, I need to fix 1.1.1 branch
and merge 1.1.1 to 1.1.2 to 1.1.3 and finally merge back to trunk
It spends much time to checkout each version, so now we change to
another branch method. We use 1.1.X to replace 1.1.1 now become
Root /trunk
/branch/1.1.x revision 100
If there is no bugs to fix, We tag 1.1.1 from 1.1.x
Root /trunk
/tag/1.1.1 revision 101
If it has bugs to fix, we fix on 1.1.x and then tag to 1.1.2 become
Root /trunk
/branch/1.1.x revision 120
/tag/1.1.2 revision 121
So 1.1.x has latest fix in branch, we only need to merger 1.1.x and
But here comes a problem if 1.1.1 report bugs, we need to revert to
1.1.x revision 100 and commit become revision 122 to fix bugs may
become revision 130. After revert we lost 1.1.2 revision 120’s fixed.
We need to merge 120 and 130.
But I can’t merge successful now. It always report error tree conflict
or md5-checksum not present error message. Am I wrong?
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Received on 2010-03-01 09:37:32 CET