Simon Large wrote:
>2010/1/27 mbahce <>:
>> This is critical for us because of our internal and external survey.
>> For example about our subtree shown below; Sometimes we have to show
>> file/folder revisions to the person who is on duty or the survey...
>> ?[c_Tasarim_Dokumanlari]{rev6}
>> ? ?
>> ? ?[1_On-Kavramsal_Tasarim]{rev6}
>> ? ? ?
>> ? ? ?[a_Sistem_On-Kavramsal_Tasarim]{rev5}
>> ? ? ? ?
>> ? ? ? ?KULLANICI_EL_K?TABI_v5.doc{rev5}
>> ? ? ?[b_Yazilim_On-Kavramsal_Tasarim]{rev1}
>> ? ? ? ?
>> ? ? ? ?[e_Yazilim_Gelistirme_Plani]{rev1}
>> ? ? ?[c_Donanim_On-Kavramsal_Tasarim]{rev1}
>> ? ? ?[d_Arayuz_On-Kavramsal_Tasarim]{rev6}
>> ? ? ?
>> ? ? ?KULLANICI_EL_K?TABI_v6.doc{rev6}
>> ? ?[2_Kritik_Ayrintili_Tasarim]{rev1}
>> ? ?
>> ? ?[a_Sistem_Kritik-Ayrintili_Tasarim]{rev1}
>> ? ?[b_Yazilim_Kritik-Ayrintili_Tasarim]{rev1}
>> ? ?[c_Donanim_Kritik-Ayrintili_Tasarim]{rev1}
>> ? ?[d_Arayuz_Kritik-Ayrintili_Tasarim]{rev1}
>> "Each time you commit something, the revision number for the
>> repository
>> is increased. With this new number you can retrieve all unchanged
>> files too. "
>> Is it possible to take this rev numbers in file/folder tree
>> automatically with a tool?
>Each item in the repository has a "last-commit" revision, i.e. the
>global repository revision when that item was last committed. I think
>that corresponds with what you want.
>As for generating a tree of the entire repository then no, that is not
>something TortoiseSVN can do, nor do I think there is enough demand
>for it to make it worth requesting as a feature. Your best bet is to
>install subversion's perl or python bindings and write your own script
>to do this. If you need help with that you should ask on the
>subversion users list.
svn list -R -v <URL>
and some reformating of the output should give what you want
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Received on 2010-01-27 12:20:41 CET