2010/1/27 mbahce <batcaa_at_gmail.com>:
> This is critical for us because of our internal and external survey.
> For example about our subtree shown below; Sometimes we have to show
> file/folder revisions to the person who is on duty or the survey...
> ├[c_Tasarim_Dokumanlari]{rev6}
> │ │
> │ ├[1_On-Kavramsal_Tasarim]{rev6}
> │ │ │
> │ │ ├[a_Sistem_On-Kavramsal_Tasarim]{rev5}
> │ │ │ │
> │ │ │ └KULLANICI_EL_KİTABI_v5.doc{rev5}
> │ │ ├[b_Yazilim_On-Kavramsal_Tasarim]{rev1}
> │ │ │ │
> │ │ │ └[e_Yazilim_Gelistirme_Plani]{rev1}
> │ │ ├[c_Donanim_On-Kavramsal_Tasarim]{rev1}
> │ │ └[d_Arayuz_On-Kavramsal_Tasarim]{rev6}
> │ │ │
> │ │ └KULLANICI_EL_KİTABI_v6.doc{rev6}
> │ └[2_Kritik_Ayrintili_Tasarim]{rev1}
> │ │
> │ ├[a_Sistem_Kritik-Ayrintili_Tasarim]{rev1}
> │ ├[b_Yazilim_Kritik-Ayrintili_Tasarim]{rev1}
> │ ├[c_Donanim_Kritik-Ayrintili_Tasarim]{rev1}
> │ └[d_Arayuz_Kritik-Ayrintili_Tasarim]{rev1}
> "Each time you commit something, the revision number for the
> repository
> is increased. With this new number you can retrieve all unchanged
> files too. "
> Is it possible to take this rev numbers in file/folder tree
> automatically with a tool?
Each item in the repository has a "last-commit" revision, i.e. the
global repository revision when that item was last committed. I think
that corresponds with what you want.
As for generating a tree of the entire repository then no, that is not
something TortoiseSVN can do, nor do I think there is enough demand
for it to make it worth requesting as a feature. Your best bet is to
install subversion's perl or python bindings and write your own script
to do this. If you need help with that you should ask on the
subversion users list.
: ___
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Received on 2010-01-27 10:33:54 CET