RE: Re: ERROR can't move *.svn-work to *.svn-base: access is denied
From: Jon Kloske <>
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2009 18:28:32 -0700 (PDT)
Sorry, but I don't understand how this is a samba bug - can someone clarify?
TortoiseSVN is setting readonly on a file or directory or something, and then trying to delete/move/whatever that file or directory and then is complaining that samba won't let them?
Isn't that the correct behavior? Surely if tortoise wants to play with that file, it should unset the readonly bit first?
I've no idea how "upgrading to the latest samba" is supposed to fix this - I'd love to see what changes they put in to allow TortoiseSVN to delete readonly files...
As for turning on delete readonly = yes - this is not the default behavior and in fact samba recommends you leaving this setting alone since it can break some stuff that relies on this behavior (which is the dos/windows default, and unix default and in fact everything default ever, so why does Tortoise require you to break this?)
Either someone needs to explain this in more detail so we don't think that TortoiseSVN developers are dodging the fact they broke something that can be worked around by breaking Samba, or if this truly is a bug (like, it worked in 1.4, so what did you change to break this?) assign a ticket to it and get someone to fix it.
Not all of us have the luxury of being able to switch on a feature recommended against on our file servers - they are used by a lot of other people for a lot of other things and turning this on could break the fileserver from the point of view of a lot of other people.
TortoiseSVN should work regardless of the setting of delete readonly.
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