Posting to the TortoiseSVN Users mailing list
From: <>
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2009 08:14:18 -0700 (PDT)
Hi TortoiseSVN team,
I'm posting this to bring your attention to a slightly misleading paragraph in the instructions on how to report a bug [1]:
«Note: if you're not subscribed to the list, it may take up to a day until your mail appears on the mailing list. This is because we have to review mails from non-subscribers first and have to 'accept' them - we have to do this to prevent SPAM from going to the list. So don't worry if you're not getting an answer right away, your mail will appear on the list, just give us some time.» [1]
This hinted me that I could send an email to the list -- it just had to be reviewed first by the TSVN team.
Unfortunately, I've sent a message, about a week ago, which didn't made it to the mailing list. Excerpt of the email reply received, send by the mailing list daemon:
«We are sorry, but we did not recognize your email address [...] as that of a registered user. We are returning this email because this discussion is only for registered users.»
This has caused about a week delay in posting a message [2]...
I'd therefore suggest making the non-subscriber instructions a bit more clear in order that one knows that he/she has two options:
A proposal follows:
«Note: if you're not subscribed to the list, your email messages will be refused by the mailing list -- please subscribe prior to sending any message. As an alternative, use the Web form instead -- note that, using this alternative, it may take up to a day until your mail appears on the mailing list. This is because we have to review mails from non-subscribers first and have to 'accept' them - we have to do this to prevent SPAM from going to the list. So don't worry if you're not getting an answer right away, your mail will appear on the list, just give us some time.»
Please feel free to ignore this if you believe the bug report instructions are clear enough. :-)
Hope this helps,
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