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Re: "Show log" crashes on x64, Windows Vista SP1

From: Clemens Anhuth <clemens_at_froglogic.com>
Date: Mon, 09 Feb 2009 19:05:00 +0100

Stefan Küng wrote:
> Clemens Anhuth wrote:
>> Stefan Küng wrote:
>>> I've uploaded the debug symbols for the x64 build of TortoiseProc to the
>>> nightly build server.
>>> Can you maybe install the current nightly build from
>>> http://nightlybuilds.tortoisesvn.net/latest/x64/
>>> and then copy the contents of the TortoiseProc.zip file (the
>>> TortoiseProc.pdb file) to the installation bin folder?
>> Hello Stefan,
>> I installed TortoiseSVN- but
>> cannot find "TortoiseProc.zip". Is it supposed to be at
>> http://nightlybuilds.tortoisesvn.net/latest/x64/ ?
> it isn't uploaded automatically. I've manually uploaded it last time so
> you could test it. But since then, there were other nightly builds which
> of course don't have the debug symbols.
> I'll upload them again right now...
> Ok, they're up now.

Thank you Stefan.

Here is the resulting stacktrace:

> TortoiseProc.exe!CLogDlg::OnClickedInfoIcon(unsigned __int64
__formal=0, __int64 lParam=3265168) Line 2735 C++
     [Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded
for mfc90u.dll]
     TortoiseProc.exe!CResizableDialog::WindowProc() + 0x81 bytes C++
     TortoiseProc.exe!LogCommand::Execute() Line 73 + 0xd bytes C++
     TortoiseProc.exe!CTortoiseProcApp::InitInstance() Line 367 + 0xa
bytes C++
     TortoiseProc.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() Line 578 + 0x25 bytes C

Despite that method's name, I haven't really clicked anything in that

(The code there is:

LRESULT CLogDlg::OnClickedInfoIcon(WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM lParam)
    RECT * rect = (LPRECT)lParam;
    CPoint point;
    CString temp;
-> point = CPoint(rect->left, rect->bottom);

("->" being the current line pointer.)

I cannot make sense of it at that point. Hovering over "rect" I assumed
it would show me its value, but it doesn't. The value of lParam is being
shown however.)

Is that enough to analyze the issue?

With best regards

Clemens Anhuth


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