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set keyword expansion as default property for all files?

From: NovasTaylor <novastaylor_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2008 13:38:49 -0800 (PST)

Hi folks,

I am transitioning over from CVS and have a question about resolution
of keywords. From my reading, keyword resolution is a property set on
an individual file on the client side. Is there a way to configure SVN
so all programmers will have keyword resolution turned on for all
projects by default? Or all files of a certain type (e.g. *.txt) ?

I found this advice on the internet for applying keyword resolution to
existing files:


Adpated for my use the steps for setting up a new project would

1. Create a new project from a project template and commit all
template files and folders to the SVN repository.
2. Checkout the project folders into a sandbox.
3. cd into the root directory of the project sandbox.
4. Create a file .keywords in the root of the sandbox.
5. Edit the file and add the keywords that should be resolved. In this
example, three keywords should be resolved:
6. Run the following command in the same folder:
     svn propset –R svn:keywords -F .keywords *

7. Commit all the files.
svn commit * -m"Added keywords to existing files".

Steps 1-7 could easily be scripted in PERL. But I want all files
created during the project lifecycle to have keyword resolution turned
on for all programmers who checkout the project, without any action
required on their part. Is there some way to do this on the
repository side?




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