BUG REPORT - Committing new files to (write-through proxy) slave repo fails.
Action Taken:
Added new files to a TortoiseSVN folder, then attempted to add/commit them to a (write-through proxy) slave repository.
Expected Result:
New (added) files should commit to the master repository (via the write-through proxy) without incident.
Actual Result:
Add succeeds, but commit fails (it should also be noted that SVN command-line [svn add/svn ci] succeeds)
Tortoise SVN error message when committing...
Commit failed (details follow):
Server sent unexpected return value (400 Bad Request) in response to PROPFIND\
request for '/svn/code/!svn/wrk/1d7c9604-3424-f143-99b4-8bda16835647/trunk/test6.txt'
SVN command-line success message when committing (the same file, with the same user)...
C:\bob\Documents\testslave\trunk>svn ci test6.txt --message test6
Adding test6.txt
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 12.
After SVN command-line succeeds, the committed file is then available on both master and slave, as expected.
TortoiseSVN message when updating from master...
At revision: 12
Master Server Setup:
VisualSVN Server 1.5.1 (Apache 2.2.9) with Subversion authentication via HTTPS (port 8443).
Windows XP Professional (32 bit) Service Pack 3
URI: https://master:8443/svn/code
Slave (Write-Through Proxy) Server Setup:
VisualSVN Server 1.5.1 (Apache 2.2.9) with Subversion authentication via HTTPS (port 8443).
Windows XP Professional (32 bit) Service Pack 3
URI: https://slave:8443/svn/code
Client Setup:
Windows XP Professional (32 bit) Service Pack 3
Also attempted with nightly build (as of 7/30/2008) and received same failure.
VisualSVN Setup:
Software installed in C:\svn (on both master and slave)
Repositories installed in c:\svn\repos (on both master and slave)
Single repository on master and slave with same name ('code')
VisualSVN does not include mod_proxy.so and mod_proxy_http.so, so these were copied from a prior Win32 install of Apache 2.2.9 to the c:\svn\bin\ folder (on slave)
The master and slave both have appropriate hook scripts in place, as evidenced by the success of the SVN command-line.
For reference, here is the http-custom.conf in the c:\svn\conf\ folder on the slave...
LoadModule proxy_module bin/mod_proxy.so
LoadModule proxy_http_module bin/mod_proxy_http.so
SSLProxyEngine on
<Location /svn/>
DAV svn
SVNMasterURI https://master:8443/svn/
<Location /sync/>
DAV svn
SVNListParentPath on
SVNParentPath "C:/Svn/Repos/"
SVNIndexXSLT "/svnindex.xsl"
SVNPathAuthz on
AuthName "Subversion Repositories"
AuthType Basic
AuthBasicProvider file
AuthUserFile "C:/Svn/Repos//htpasswd"
AuthzSVNAccessFile "C:/Svn/Repos//authz"
require valid-user
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Received on 2008-07-31 17:29:47 CEST