I have created some new repositories with Tortise SVN 1.45 using the FileSystem. Have setup Apache to use SSL.
When I try to access the newly created repos I get a Error Propfind meaning the repos cannot be found. With the repos that were created with a DB backend this does not seem to be a problem.
I can access the newly created dirs if I refer to them via a mapped drive letter, but not using the https://. Thus, I tend to think it may be a "permission" problem on the server. Cannot see any difference in the permission between one of the repos that I can read and another that I cannot read.
When the repos are correctly found the repo name is usually placed on the same line as https://icwscm.icwgrp.com/vendor in the tree, vs being displayed below the initial path.
Any ideas here?
Received on 2008-03-10 15:06:41 CET