Gleason, Todd wrote:
> What was annoying was that TSVNCache 1.4.7 had a handle open not to
> the drive root, but to a folder underneath the root of my "working
> folder" (see below). So the root folder was (from my previous
> example) C:\rds, but TSVNCache had a handle open to C:\rds\run (which
> was an empty folder). I verified this with Process Explorer. It
> seems to reproduce every time I do a rename from c:\rd to c:\rds --
> but not if I rename a different folder. My wildcard for TSVNCache to
> match these folders is c:\rd* which I assume should match both c:\rd
> and c:\rds .
> So it appears that 1.4 does actually open handles well below the
> drive root, and leave them open for no reason I can discern. The
> annoyance, then, is that I must shut TSVNCache down while I do the
> rename.
> It's worth noting that the folders in question, although matching the
> wildcard, are not Subversion working folders at all. This is because
> I'm evaluating Subversion on some folders while using our current
> source control system on our actual development folders.
Ups, sorry. I completely forgot about the include/exclude paths. Yes, if
you use those, then the handle won't be held open for the drive root.
> It sounds like 1.5 will fix this behavior though, so I can probably
> just wait for it to resolve this problem.
I guess you'll have to wait for 1.5 to be released. Our policy mandates
that for the stable branch (1.4.x) there must be no new features, only
bugfixes. Because otherwise we would risk introducing new bugs, and
that's a no no for a stable branch.
oo // \\ "De Chelonian Mobile"
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\ \_/_\_/> The coolest Interface to (Sub)Version Control
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Received on 2008-02-18 21:48:09 CET