> Kurt Pruenner wrote:
> >
> > You want the current
> >
> > TortoiseSVN-1.4.99.<something>-dev-win32-svn-1.5.0dev.msi
> >
> > from http://nightlybuilds.tortoisesvn.net/latest/win32/
> >
> > Files with an MSI extension are Microsoft Installer files, just download
> > it and double click on it to install a nightly build.
Thanks for that explanation, I'd already tried that and found the bug
mentioned below, which sparked this convro.
On Jan 22, 2008 12:26 PM, Stefan Küng <tortoisesvn_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> Please wait until tomorrow: I just fixed a bug when committing
> (committing doesn't work in the current nightly build, but will work
> again in the build tomorrow).
I can wait for tortoise tomorrow but in the mean time I would like to
update my machine to svn 1.5 and commit changes from command line in
the folder that the new tortoise "touched". My question here is in
reference to the "svn.exe" file sitting there in the /latest/win32/
folder. Whats it doing there, and do I need to do something with it
with regards to updating my local machine (command line svn AND tsvn)
to use 1.5? Or should I just install the SVN beta 1.5 for Windows?
Thanks again,
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Received on 2008-01-22 18:43:53 CET