Robert Denton wrote:
> Hi - I have a couple three questions regarding the TSVN Cache:
> When defining exclusions or inclusions for the Icon overlays, we have
> found that it is best to exclude all drives that do not have a working
> copy on them (C:\* F:\*, etc) and to specifically include the the path
> for the working repo itself (D:\svn-local\*). Given this, my first
> question is:
> 1. Is it better to check or uncheck "Fixed Disks" in the Drive Types
> section? Normally I keep all options unchecked as I do not want the
> cache to troll the other drive types at all. However, I assumed that in
> order for the inclusions and exclusions to work the "Fixed Disks" would
> have to be checked. That does not seem to be the case, however.
The order used to determine whether the cache process checks a certain
path is as follows:
1) path is in the 'include path' list
2) path is allowed by 'drive type'
3) path is not in the 'exclude path' list
if *one* of the three rules above evaluate to TRUE, the overlays for the
path are shown. If all three are FALSE, the overlay is not shown.
Which means: if you have the paths already in the 'include list', it
doesn't matter whether you've enable the drive types or not.
> 2. Sometimes a use will complain that their 'SVN' stopped responding. I
> get on their machine and discover that indeed, you cannot do anything in
> the file explorer. When I manually kill the TSVNCache process though,
> everything is operational again, and quite speedy. Why does TSVNCache
> hang like that? What is it doing?
That looks like a bug. Are you maybe using multiple user sessions?
(i.e., multiple users logged on to the same machine)? In that case, you
could try a nightly build which has some improvements in that area.
> and lastly...
> 3. I couldn't find a section in the TSVN online docs discussing the TSVN
> Cache. Will their be a section dedicated to it eventually? I'd love to
> see a best practices doc at least. Thanks!
Good idea.
Added this to our doc issue in the tracker:
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Received on Mon Nov 19 20:08:32 2007