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TortoiseSVN - idea: RGB difference view

From: <Redstar2nd_at_web.de>
Date: 2007-09-12 00:38:20 CEST


nice GUI for SVN you have there ;).

I've just a very little point to mention about the TortoiseIDiff tool: Currently it seems its only possible to view different versions of one image by viewing them either next to each other (I would call that "split view") or by using the overlapping view, which makes one of the images semi-transparent.

Since single different coloured pixels could best be found using a subtraction of the pixel RGB values of both images, it would be very nice to see such a feature in TortoiseSVN.
Personally I would suggest to display either the "RGB difference" value of the two images, or (because different RGB values that are near to each other would become very dark in the subtraction view in this case) to put a black pixel for "no difference" and a white pixel for "difference" in the overlapping view.

Implementation in pseudocode (because I don't know which programming language you use for TortoiseSVN), to make clear what I mean:
If a pixel at (x, y) is represented by a RGB vector3 (r, g, b), then the subtraction would be implemented in a way like this:

if sizes of images img1 and img2 are the same, then
    for all pixels (x, y) do:
        overlapping_image.new_pixel_value_at(x, y) = new vector3(
            abs(img1.pixel(x, y).r - img2.pixel(x, y).r),
            abs(img1.pixel(x, y).g - img2.pixel(x, y).g),
            abs(img1.pixel(x, y).b - img2.pixel(x, y).b) )
    "go into split view"

And the black/white variant could look like this:

if sizes of images img1 and img2 are the same, then
    for all pixels (x, y) do:
        if ( img1.pixel(x, y) equals img2.pixel(x, y) )
            overlapping_image.new_pixel_value_at(x, y) = new vector3(0, 0, 0)
            overlapping_image.new_pixel_value_at(x, y) = new vector3(255, 255, 255)
    "go into split view"

With kind regards,

Red*Star (aka David)
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Received on Wed Sep 12 02:19:23 2007

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