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BUG: Repo-browser displays incorrect folder in TSVN 1.4.5 with fully-pathed URL

From: Andrew Mayo <Andrew.Mayo_at_cegedimrx.co.uk>
Date: 2007-09-05 17:43:23 CEST

Problem occurred accessing an FSFS repository through SVNSERVE but is
believed not to be specific to this scenario.


1. Enter the repo-browser and use the mouse to navigate to the leaf node
of a tree i.e a specific file in the repository

2. Click on the URL field and press ENTER. The leaf node is now shown as
a folder node and can be expanded to show a spurious 'false folder' in
which the original file is shown as a child.


This is actually a very annoying problem because if you embed a
hyperlink in Microsoft Outlook to a repo-browser location in an email
such as

svn://cerberus/Projects/Nexphase/FB Stats.txt

then when the user clicks on it, they are not correctly taken to the
file "FB Stats.txt" n the tree but instead the problem above causes the
repo-browser to display a spurious folder. Clicking on the folder as
above then shows the 'file' but if you attempt to open the file, an
error is returned.

This is the same bug as reported in steps 1 and 2, of course, and stems
from a problem with the way the URL field appears to be handled if a
full path is entered directly rather than filled in by mouse clicks.


Click on the parent folder in the tree and re-navigate down. This is
awkward and causes users to lack confidence in SVN as a documentation
control system, which is regrettable, as I am keen to roll this out
Received on Wed Sep 5 17:46:26 2007

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