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Feature Request: Allow "save authentication" for reading and writing separately

From: Bruce Gough <bruce_at_ijws.com>
Date: 2007-09-05 15:56:25 CEST

Feature Request: Allow "save authentication" for reading and writing

I have been using tortoiseSVN for a couple of years, and it works great.
To avoid mistakes, I leave my client configured so that I must
authenticate every time I access the repository. I have avoided doing
"update" or completing the commit dialog by mistake more than once.

My only problem with this is when I am doing activities like "check for
modifications", then I click "Check repository", it does an
authentication step. Then if I want to double click any file in the list
of changed files and see the differences, it does another authentication
each time I double click another file in the list of changed files..
Each one has the "save authentication" checkbox, but I think that
checking it would save the authentication and use it for all
authentication steps.

I have worked around this by checking the box, then later going into the
settings and setting it back to requesting authentication.

It might be a bug for the specific case where I have checked for
modifications, then must authenticate for each file on which I want to
view the differences. It seems like it should not be necessary then.

One possible way to improve this could be to have a separate flag for
"read" type operations vs. "write" type operations. Even though the diff
of modifications could allow writing a merged file, that would not
update the repository so it would count as a read operation.

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Received on Wed Sep 5 15:53:14 2007

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