Same question as
I can't get /command:export to work without UI interaction.
:export Exports the working copy in /path to another directory. If the
/path points to an unversioned directory, a dialog will ask for an URL
to export to the dir in /path.
The documentation for "path" states that for commands that take two
paths, you add a * in between the paths.
"Since some of the commands can take a list of target paths (e.g.
committing several specific files) the /path parameter can take several
paths, separated by a * character."
I can't get this to work for the export command where I want to specify
a versioned directory to another directory.
Steps to reproduce:
set dest=%userprofile%\Desktop\Target
set sourceDir="Some svn-connected folder"
mkdir "%dest%" 2>NUL
set tortoiseexe=%programfiles%\TortoiseSVN\bin\TortoiseProc.exe
"%tortoiseexe%" /notempfile /command:export /path:"%sourceDir%*%dest%"
What I expected:
A clean exported version of everything in "Some svn-connected folder"
into %userprofile%\Desktop\Target.
What I got:
A Tortoise "Export" dialog with the "Export" text box set to
%sourceDir%*%dest% (expanded), i.e in my case
C:\Proj\MyProject\SomeSamples*C:\Documents and
Hope this can be fixed so I can automate my builds better.
(I know this can be done with the "raw" svn exes but since the
functionality exists I think it would be nice if it worked as I and at
least one more person expected it to)
Received on Fri Nov 24 13:20:06 2006