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Re: Any tips for better integration with Explorer for managing deletions and moves?

From: Sean Aitken <sean.aitken_at_gmail.com>
Date: 2006-06-30 14:13:14 CEST

Hi Kevin,

let me give a clear example.. In my situation, I have a set of Visual Studio
projects that are being managed under VSS for source control. Being the
renegade developer that I am, and my own desire to have better project
versioning flexibility, I have added the whole set of projects to a local
Subversion respository.

I have been using Tortoise for some time and I really do like it. There has
always been one slight behavior that I wish could be improved,... well, two:
- Have Tortoise automatically recognize deletions from within Explorer or
elsewhere and treat them as a "SVN Delete".
- Have Tortoise automatically recognize a file move from within Explorer or
otherwise. Of course, moving outside the versioned folder tree could be
treated as a delete (with warning?)

I just want to be able to periodically perform a commit against my set of
projects and let Tortoise / SVN take care of the rest.. Of course, the real
reason I want this is to create my own 'branches' of code or 'shelved'

I hope this clarifies my situation. I am real tempted to just use Anhk with
VSS, but I have a feeling that there might be mire issues with that.

best regards,

On 6/29/06, Kevin Grover <kogrover@yahoo.com> wrote:
> If you mean that you have IDE specific files that you do NOT want in
> revision control, you can set the svn:ignore property for those directories
> to include the file names, or wild cards that encompass the file name (a
> mechanism like this used to automatically exclude object and backup files
> from being listed). You explicitly ask for a file to be added (using 'svn
> add foo.o' on the command for example, it will still be added).
> If you actually want the files revision controled, then I guess I didn't
> understand the question
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Sean Aitken <sean.aitken@gmail.com>
> To: users@tortoisesvn.tigris.org
> Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 5:15:35 AM
> Subject: Any tips for better integration with Explorer for managing
> deletions and moves?
> Good morning,
> I am looking for a good method for keeping an entire directory structure
> under SVN. In this case, the structure contains a variety of files and
> explcit 'svn delete' and move is difficult to maintain. The big problem lies
> with the fact that many files are under control of a non-SVN aware IDE.
> Does anyone have any pointers on how I can help Tortoise or SVN take
> 'hints' as to files that get deleted? I wind up seeing "missing" when I try
> to commit a version of my structure which causes SVN to complain loudly. I
> imagine moving files would be seen as a "missing" and a 'new'..
> So, I guess my question is, are there any ways to have Tortoise or SVN
> work as a backup solution, rather than on a per-project basis?
> Any tricks are appreciated!
> Cheers!
> -Sean
> --
> PGP/GPG Public Key: http://www.seanaitken.com/pubkey

PGP/GPG Public Key: http://www.seanaitken.com/pubkey
Received on Fri Jun 30 14:13:27 2006

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