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SubWCRev.exe Fails On Specific Computer

From: <Christian.Eitner_at_anton-paar.com>
Date: 2006-04-26 08:17:57 CEST


We use SubWCRev.exe as part of our NAnt build scripts. We have one
particular machine on which SubWCRev always fails all the time, and one
machine on which it fails very rarely.

Both PCs are HP DC7600 workstations with 1 x Pentium D 830
(2x3.0GHz/800/2x1MB) processors.

The SubWCRev- version is 'SubWCRev 1.2.0, Build 3602' (the latest from the
server). We have tried to run it with the latest Subversion dlls, as well
as with the ones which were current at the time of version 1.2.0's
publishing. In addition we tried msvcr71.dll or msvcr80.dll. All to no

SubWCRev.exe can be run without arguments on the mentioned machines
without problems. But as soon as you give a working copy path as an
argument, the 'Would you like to debug...' window appears.

Here is the debugger information:

The given debugger message is 'Unhandled exception at 0x7c901095 in
SubWCRev.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x004230cc.'

[Module Window Information]
SubWCRev.exe D:\framework\build\SubWCRev\SubWCRev.exe N/A N/A No
symbols loaded. 1 01.06.2005 17:35 00400000-0042D000
[3240] SubWCRev.exe: Native

(So it's loaded at address 00400000.)

Call stack:

        [Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded
for ntdll.dll]
> SubWCRev.exe!0040aae9()

Instructions for SubWCRev.exe (debugger break point is marked):

    0040AA5E jne 0040AA62
    0040AA60 xor eax,eax
    0040AA62 pop edi
    0040AA63 pop esi
    0040AA64 pop ebp
    0040AA65 pop ebx
    0040AA66 pop ecx
    0040AA67 ret
    0040AA68 int 3
    0040AA69 int 3
    0040AA6A int 3
    0040AA6B int 3
    0040AA6C int 3
    0040AA6D int 3
    0040AA6E int 3
    0040AA6F int 3
    0040AA70 push ecx
    0040AA71 push ebx
    0040AA72 push edi
    0040AA73 mov edi,dword ptr [esp+18h]
    0040AA77 push 424234h
    0040AA7C lea eax,[esp+0Ch]
    0040AA80 push 1
    0040AA82 push eax
    0040AA83 mov eax,edi
    0040AA85 mov ebx,424210h
    0040AA8A call 0040A180
    0040AA8F add esp,0Ch
    0040AA92 test eax,eax
    0040AA94 jne 0040AAF0
    0040AA96 push esi
    0040AA97 mov esi,dword ptr [esp+18h]
    0040AA9B mov eax,esi
    0040AA9D lea edx,[eax+1]
    0040AAA0 mov cl,byte ptr [eax]
    0040AAA2 inc eax
    0040AAA3 test cl,cl
    0040AAA5 jne 0040AAA0
    0040AAA7 sub eax,edx
    0040AAA9 mov ebx,eax
    0040AAAB push ebx
    0040AAAC push esi
    0040AAAD call 00410230
    0040AAB2 add esp,8
    0040AAB5 test eax,eax
    0040AAB7 jne 0040AAC7
    0040AAB9 push ebx
    0040AABA push esi
    0040AABB call 0040A850
    0040AAC0 add esp,8
    0040AAC3 test eax,eax
    0040AAC5 jne 0040AAEF
    0040AAC7 mov ecx,dword ptr [esp+14h]
    0040AACB push ebp
    0040AACC mov ebp,dword ptr [esp+10h]
    0040AAD0 push ecx
    0040AAD1 mov ebx,edi
    0040AAD3 mov edx,ebp
    0040AAD5 call 0040A960
    0040AADA push edi
    0040AADB mov edi,424234h
    0040AAE0 mov ebx,ebp
    0040AAE2 mov esi,eax
    0040AAE4 call 0040A490
> 0040AAE9 add esp,8
    0040AAEC mov eax,esi
    0040AAEE pop ebp
    0040AAEF pop esi
    0040AAF0 pop edi
    0040AAF1 pop ebx
    0040AAF2 pop ecx
    0040AAF3 ret
    0040AAF4 int 3
    0040AAF5 int 3
    0040AAF6 int 3
    0040AAF7 int 3
    0040AAF8 int 3
    0040AAF9 int 3
    0040AAFA int 3
    0040AAFB int 3
    0040AAFC int 3
    0040AAFD int 3
    0040AAFE int 3
    0040AAFF int 3
    0040AB00 push ecx
    0040AB01 mov eax,dword ptr [esp+14h]
    0040AB05 mov ecx,dword ptr [esp+10h]
    0040AB09 push ebx
    0040AB0A push edi
    0040AB0B mov edi,dword ptr [esp+20h]
    0040AB0F push eax
    0040AB10 push ecx
    0040AB11 lea edx,[esp+10h]
    0040AB15 push edx
    0040AB16 mov eax,edi
    0040AB18 mov ebx,424210h
    0040AB1D call 0040A180
    0040AB22 add esp,0Ch
    0040AB25 test eax,eax
    0040AB27 jne 0040AB82
    0040AB29 push esi
    0040AB2A mov esi,dword ptr [esp+18h]
    0040AB2E mov eax,esi
    0040AB30 lea edx,[eax+1]
    0040AB33 mov cl,byte ptr [eax]
    0040AB35 inc eax
    0040AB36 test cl,cl
    0040AB38 jne 0040AB33
    0040AB3A sub eax,edx
    0040AB3C mov ebx,eax
    0040AB3E push ebx
    0040AB3F push esi
    0040AB40 call 00410230
    0040AB45 add esp,8
    0040AB48 test eax,eax
    0040AB4A jne 0040AB5A
    0040AB4C push ebx
    0040AB4D push esi

I hope anybody can read something out of that, because the encountered
behaviour is very strange indeed (and it hinders our build process).

Thanks for your consideration,

Received on Wed Apr 26 08:15:25 2006

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