I detected the following behaviour in tsvn repobrowser which i.m.o. is a
Version information:
Client: TortoiseSVN 1.3.2 Build 5840 32-bit English on Windows XP
Professional SP2 English.
Also installed is: Subversion 1.3.2 (svn.exe etc).
Server: Subversion (svnserve.exe) 1.3.2 on Windows Server 2003 SP1
What I did:
- I did set a tsvn:logtemplate property on <repos>/<myproject>/trunk.
- Committed the changes.
- Checked out <repos>/<myproject>/trunk to a local directory
- Made some changes to the local project, comitted the changes and the
logtemplate showed up in the commit dialog.
So the logtemplate worked fine for this.
- Then from within the tsvn repobrowser I created a branch from the
trunk (selected the trunk | context menu | copy to..|
What I expected:
That the logtemplate would show up in the 'enter the log message' dialog
when I created a branch with 'copy to..'.
What actually happened:
The logtemplate did NOT show up in the 'enter the log message' dialog,
instead the default message 'Copied remotely' was displayed.
Please REPLY TO: nemo_os @ dotnetguys.com
(remove spaces for the proper address)
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Received on Mon Apr 24 10:18:35 2006