>Is that you?
no, sorry, that's not me.
>> I'm locking for a small feature concerning tagging parts of
>> a big project folder which contains externals to a global (higher
>> layer) directory. We want to make use of it to freeze parts of a
>> project for further processing.
>> However the problem is, when tagging a project-folder that contains
>> svn:externals (without specific revision via -r option, thus
>> always linked
>> to the head-revision of a higher-layer folder) the tagged
>> folder contains
>> the svn:external as before linking always to the actual
>> head-revision. In
>> that case this externals should automatically be freezed via
>> the -r switch to the actual revision.
>> I think a simple check-box within the TortoiseSVN-Tagging-Window
>> would be very useful.
>I don't quite understand: you already read the issue and the mailing
>list thread. And my answer in that thread should be clear? I mean,
>you're asking the same question as was asked in that thread - all I
>could give you would be the same answer as before.
The question is not this subversion-issue. We know how to work around: We
can do it with Tortoise manually after tagging (by adding -rXXX to the
svn:external) or we could use this perl-script (attched in
http://subversion.tigris.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=1258) to directly create
tags on the server.
We just would like to have a check-box in Tortoise's branch/tag window which
allows for an automatic recursive freezing of all svn:externals (which don't
use yet this -rXXX option) to the current revision by simply adding this
-r<HEADREVISION> at that time. Thus it does the same like this perl-script
with the advantage of the userfriendly interface of TortoiseSVN.
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Received on Thu Mar 23 14:48:46 2006